Monday, February 9, 2009

Case Study of Direct Clothing

/* Pogrammer Name : Reuben Matiga
  Date Started : 02-06-09
  Date Finished : 02-08-09
  Program Name : Direct Clothing Case Study
  Program Purpose : To have a solution in case study


public class Customer{

    private int CustomerID;
    public String Name;
    public int PhoneNumber;
    publicString Address;
    publicString Emailaddress;

    //This is a Customer constructor

    public Customer ( int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress)
    CustomerID = newCustomerID;
    Name = newName;
    PhoneNumber = newPhoneNumber;
    Address = newAddress;
    Emailaddress =newEmailaddress;    



/* Pogrammer Name : Reuben Matiga
  Date Started : 02-06-09
  Date Finished : 02-08-09
  Program Name : Direct Clothing Case Study
  Program Purpose : To have a solution in case study

public class Order extends Customer{

    public String OrderID;
    public int TotalPrice;
    public String Status;
    // Order Constructor
    public Order (int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress, String newOrderID,int TotalPrice, String Status )
    super(int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress);
    OrderID = newOrderID;
    TotalPrice = newTotalPrice;
    Status = newStatus;


/* Pogrammer Name : Reuben Matiga
  Date Started : 02-06-09
  Date Finished : 02-08-09
  Program Name : Direct Clothing Case Study
  Program Purpose : To have a solution in case study

public class Shirt extends Customer{

    public String ShirtID;
    public int Price;
    public String Color;
    public String Description;
    public int Quantity;    
    // Shirt constructor
    public Shirt(int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress, String newShirtID, int newPrice, String newColor, String newDescription,int newQuantity )
    super(int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress);
  ShirtID = newShirtID;
    Price = newPrice; 
    Color = newColor;
    Description = newDescription;
    Quantity = newQuantity;    


/* Pogrammer Name : Reuben Matiga
  Date Started : 02-06-09
  Date Finished : 02-08-09
  Program Name : Direct Clothing Case Study
  Program Purpose : To have a solution in case study

public class FormOfPayment extends Customer{

    public int ChckNumber;
    public int CrdtCrdNumber;
  public double ExpirationDate;
    // Form of Payment Constructor
    public FormOfPayment(int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress, int newChckNumber, int newCrdtCrdNumber,double newExpirationDate )
    super(int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress);
    ChckNumber = newChckNumber;
    CrdtCrdNumber = newCrdtCrdNumber;
  ExpirationDate = newExpirationDate;        


/* Pogrammer Name : Reuben Matiga
  Date Started : 02-06-09
  Date Finished : 02-08-09
  Program Name : Direct Clothing Case Study
  Program Purpose : To have a solution in case study

public class Catalog extends Shirt{

    public Catalog(int newCustomerID, String newName, String newAddress, String newEmailaddress, int newChckNumber, int newCrdtCrdNumber,double newExpirationDate )
    super(String newShirtID, int newPrice, String newColor, String newDescription,int newQuantity );


/* Pogrammer Name : Reuben Matiga
  Date Started : 02-06-09
  Date Finished : 02-08-09
  Program Name : Direct Clothing Case Study
  Program Purpose : To have a solution in case study

public class CustomerDemo{

    public static void main(String [] args){